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The ARDEALUL - "Women with Fainosag" campaign was awarded at EFFIE AWARDS, the most prestigious event in the industry, in Romania. Effie Awards is about excellence, creativity and efficiency in marketing and communication. The campaign brought to life together with McCann WorldGroup Romania was the only one awarded in the Packed Food category. Ardealul and Orkla Foods Romania win this award for the second year in a row and confirms consistency in communication.

Cand mixezi creativitatea cu sosurile potrivite iese ceva cu gust. Asa s-a intamplat si cu noua campanie Tomi 1|2|3,  unde colaborarea dintre Orkla Foods Romania si Carioca Studio a adus publicului un deliciu vizual. Explozia de culoare si energie au condus echipa catre recunoasterea internationala, fiind nominalizata...

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