Orkla are o responsabilitate importantă față de societate în timpul pandemiei de coronavirus. Ne confruntăm cu o cerere crescută și intensificăm producția de alimente pentru a asigura sprijin și stocuri necesare clienților și consumatorilor noștri.
The situation we are facing now is the worst we have had in peacetime. The situation is constantly evolving, and on 11 March the World Health Organization declared that the outbreak of coronavirus is a pandemic. Several countries implemented drastic measures, such as the closure of schools, kindergartens and public spaces and the cancellation of events. Several other countries are also taking new and stricter measures.
Food is among those with which they have the highest demand from consumers. We need to be able to deliver so that store shelves can be recharged with the products that people need.
We have strict procedures in our factories to prevent the spread of infection, to ensure that we can maintain a high production capacity and, of course, in the interest of our employees. Therefore, until further notification, no visits will be made to the factories unless they are critical. Orkla Foods Romania understands the important role it plays in providing the food that people need now.
In a pandemic like the one we feel now, at Orkla we take seriously our responsibility to society. Preventing the spread of infection takes precedence, and from 12.03.2020, we have urged all employees at our Bucharest headquarters to work from home. We have also imposed strict restrictions on travel and visits. We will deliver the necessary goods and we will do everything we can to prevent the spread of infection.